Kate O'Connor
"Everyone you meet has something to teach you if you listen."
The TOO NICE "Pressed Love Passion Project" serves as a 'shout-out' to colleagues, friends, experts, craftsmen, and brands (from near and afar) that bring their work and dreams to life with PASSION. An artwork is sent to the feature as a thank-you for their inspiration.
– PEN –
Ok. So it's the holidays and this one is for my mum (Pen). My brother and I have called her Pen for YEARS and I didn't realise until a couple of weekends ago (when we were at a family dinner and chatting about names) that the only person who use to call her Pen before us was my beautiful Grandpa (a true rockstar of a man, and the ultimate gentleman slash all-round-heart-warming-good-human-being).
Since being a teeny-tiny munchkin, I can totally remember her teaching us that "all you have to do in this life is leave it a little bit better off than you found it". And if that's the case, she could pretty much put her feet up and be a total B-I-T-C-H (or "witch-with-a-b" as she would say haha) for the rest of her life; and she'd still qualify for the "I've left it better off than I found it" tick of approval. She does this in all areas of life, but especially in her work.
She is a generous soul and is a Speech Pathologist with true heart. If I walk through the local shopping centre with her and a patient's parent sees her, she'll stop us to tell me how lucky I am to have her as a mum. Running your own business isn't always easy, and I know most years she's worried she won't have enough clients – a totally ridiculous fear as she always has them coming out of her ears.
She is my ultimate role-model in how kindness in business can serve all for the better (your business, self and clients alike). She is truly respected and gains true results, but does so with care, grace, positivity, humour, kindness and warmth. She's one of the few people I know that still LOVES their job and I'm willing to bet it's partly because the kindness she puts into her work is reflected back at her.
You know how people talk about the butterfly-effect and how one small change or action can effect SO much? That's kind of what I was thinking about when I made this artwork. I'm sure she's had lasting effects on thousands of her patients in ways she'll never even know.
I am extraordinarily grateful to her for all she has taught me, and for her constant, unwavering support. To be honest, I used to worry that I was a people-pleaser at any cost, but in the last few years especially, she has taught and reminded me that putting a smile on another's person's face is my superpower – not my kryptonite. That genuine relationships make the world go round, and that I don't necessarily have to approach things like other people to get results in my own Kate-way. I'm grateful for her kindness and for the way she's taught me that kindness a strength, not a weakness.
Happy Holidays Pen. We love you! (but hopefully you already know that).
The pink hydrangea has gained popularity globally, but especially in Asia. They have many meanings, but generally translate to "you are the beat of my heart".